3 New features of SapphireOne ERP Accounting Software to enhance efficiency in invoice and inventory management

3 New features of SapphireOne ERP Accounting Software to enhance efficiency in invoice and inventory management

Greater control over inventory management and invoice processing

SapphireOne Pty Ltd (SapphireOne), an Australian ERP Accounting Software vendor, has been recently enriched with a number of new features. SapphireOne software is a live ‘work in progress’ solution capable of constant modification and adaptation as per the clients needs. Unlike other ERP Accounting Software solutions, a live ‘work in progress’ means that SapphireOne can respond immediately to specific customer requests, providing a custom application that is 100% built around the clients needs. As a result of this, Client requests have recently seen the new functionalities of PDF Capture, Periodic Invoicing and MRP added to the SapphireOne ERP Accounting software.

  1. PDF Capture eliminates manual vendor invoice processing and enhances data accuracy.
  2. Periodic Invoice efficiently streamlines invoicing by consolidating recurring invoices into a single bill.
  • The MRP functionfulfils customer requirements while maintaining a tighter control over inventory stock levels.
  1. PDF Capture:

The SapphireOne accounting system already has a function that provides for the storing of documents of all types within the data file. So the additional functionality of scanning PDF documents, known as PDF Capture, from within the software itself, is a natural progression to make this procedure easier and faster for all users. The SapphireOne system makes use of the fact that a PDF contains both characters and numbers that may be read by the Software. This means that SapphireOne can directly create transactions when electronically received PDF’s are read by the system. Since the system is directly reading numbers and characters, the transactions created are accurately entered and so required little or no modification before any processing.

To Learn More about PDF Capture, visit: https://blog.sapphireone.com/2017/02/eliminate-manual-vendor-invoice-processing-sapphireone-pdf-capture/

  1. Periodic Invoice

Periodic invoicing has now been included in the standing transaction function of the SapphireOne system. This new Periodic Invoicing function allows consolidation of invoices to a particular client or vendor, at specified intervals. Even though different users will enter the invoices that go to create a periodic invoice, the system will automatically consolidate these to a single periodic invoice that the accounts manager can check and process. This will reduce or eliminate any errors, lessen administration tasks and minimise the time taken for data entry by account managers and users alike.

To Learn More about SapphireOne Periodic Invoicing, visit: https://blog.sapphireone.com/2017/05/streamline-invoicing-efficiency-periodic-invoice/

  1. MRP Functionality

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) functionality was added at the beginning of 2017 in the SapphireOne ERP system. Now Material Resource Planning (MRP) has been added as well. MRP will allow efficient inventory management systems that will provide opportunity to keep a minimum stock level while satisfying customers’ requirements on a continuous basis.  This is calculated by using historical data and lead times that must be entered into the SapphireOne system beforehand. It is basically an Artificial Intelligence (AI) setup which accesses historical data already in the system, for better forecasting of inventory stock level management in future points of time, i.e. weeks, months or even a year in advance.

“SapphireOne manages our inventory, clients and vendors. It’s a well-integrated ERP software system that covers sales, purchasing, General Ledger, payroll, super and a number of other tasks.” Don Nichols: Administration Manager at Team Digital, Western Australia.

To Learn More about SapphireOne MRP system, visit: https://blog.sapphireone.com/2017/05/mrp-software-improves-inventory-management/

Company profile:  

SapphireOne is an Australian financial software company providing a complete solution that integrates all aspects of business enterprise, enhancing productivity and efficiency. SapphireOne has the ability to run multiple companies across multiple foreign exchange (FX) types within the one data file.  It is customisable and able to grow, which makes managing every aspect of business a breeze. For over 30 years, thousands of businesses have trusted SapphireOne for their CRM, ERP and Accounting software needs.

Company Website – https://www.sapphireone.com