Animal Behaviourist Shares Top 7 Dogs With The Strongest Bite Force in the World

Animal Behaviourist Shares Top 7 Dogs With The Strongest Bite Force in the World

With National Dog Bite Prevention Week (April 10-16) on the horizon, Animal Behaviourist and Trainer Sarah-Jane White of Ruffle Snuffle®  thought it would be a good time to remind everyone of the dangers that dogs can pose.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2020 dog bites and other dog-related injuries accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners insurance liability claims paid out in the US, totaling nearly $853 million for 16,991 dog bite and injury claims1.

In the UK, according to Statista,  it was people aged between 50 and 59 who were the most likely victims of dog bites, with over 1,200 hospital admissions in 2021. In the same period 1,100 children aged under 10 years of age were also admitted to hospital as a result of dog bites and strikes2.

While all dog breeds have the potential to bite, some breeds are more likely to inflict serious damage due to their powerful jaws and large teeth.

When it comes to the world of dogs, there are many breeds that have been bred specifically for their intelligence and strength. From this list of top 7 dogs with the strongest bite force in the world, you can see that these strong breeds were originally bred as guard or herding animals.

In order to be able to do their job effectively, these dogs need to have a powerful bite. And, according to recent studies, the following seven breeds do just that!

German Shepherd – 291 PSI

The German Shepherd is a breed that is well-known for its strength and intelligence. With a bite force of 238-291 PSI, this breed is often used for law enforcement, military and protection. German Shepherds are also popular as family pets due to their loyalty and obedience. They are the No.8 most popular dog in the UK6 and No.3 in the USA7.

American Bulldog – 305 PSI

The Bulldog is a strong breed of dog that has a very powerful bite. With a bite force of 305 PSI, this dog is not to be trifled with! Often used as a guard dog or for protection, the American Bulldog is a breed that you want on your side. They are energetic and require a lot of exercise, but make great family pets.

Rottweiler – 328 PSI

The Rottweiler is a powerful breed of dog that is known for its strength and intelligence. With a bite force of 328 PSI, this breed can definitely hold its own against other animals. Often used as a guard dog, the Rottweiler is a breed that you don’t want to mess with! They make really lovable companions with the right training

American Pit Bull Terrier – 330 PSI

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that is known for its strength and determination. With a bite force of 240-330 PSI, this breed can definitely bring down larger prey. Pitbull terriers are legal in the United States. But in Canada, pit bulls are banned in many towns and cities. Puerto Rico had a two-decade ban in place until 2018, when it was once again made legal to own, sell and import the breed. They are banned in the UK.

Mastiff – 556 PSI

The Mastiff is another large breed of dog that is known for its strength and power. With a bite force of 556 PSI, this breed can easily overpower other animals. This is more than three times the bite force of an average dog.

Cane Corso – 650 PSI

The Cane Corso is a breed that is known for its power and strength. With a bite force of 650 PSI, this breed can take down prey much larger than itself.

Meet The Dog With The Strongest Bite In The World  – The  Turkish Kangal  – 743 PSI

The Kangal Shepherd is a Turkish breed of dog that is known for its large size and impressive strength. With a bite force of 743 PSI, this breed is the undisputed king of the canine world when it comes to raw power. Typically used to protect against wolves, bears, and jackals in its native Turkey due to its intimidating size and capabilities as an effective guardian3.

While all of these breeds are incredibly strong, the Kangal takes the top spot as the dog with the strongest bite in the world. With a force that is more than three times that of an average dog, this breed can take down prey much larger than itself. So, if you are looking for a dog that is not only powerful but also fearless, the Kangal is the breed for you!

How is bite force measured?

Bite force is actually really hard to measure in animals as there are many factors affecting the readings4, including the fact that you can’t ask an animal to bite down on a device to gauge the force exerted!

The main factors affecting the bite forces in dogs and cats are body weight and the skull’s morphology and size.  In other words, jaw shape plays a huge part in how strong a bite is5. Other factors such as oral pain, TMJ disorders, masticatory muscle atrophy, and malocclusion may also affect bite force.  So when measuring bite force in dogs, it is usually estimated taking these factors into account.

What units are bite force measured in?

The strength with which your dog can bite is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI).

What are some uses for a dog’s bite force?

There are many different reasons that a dog’s bite force knowledge might be used. Some of the most common reasons include Knowledge of bite forces in dogs and cats is essential for various clinical and research fields such as the development of implants, materials, and surgical techniques as well as for forensic medicine.

In conclusion

Dogs are incredibly powerful animals and their bite force should not be taken lightly. Whether you are looking for a guard dog or just a pet that is known for its strength, one of the breeds on our list would make an excellent choice. While all of these dogs have impressive bite forces, the Turkish Kangal takes the top spot as the strongest canine  in the world. With a bite that is more than three times that of an average dog, this breed is sure to make any intruder think twice before crossing its path.

The strongest dog breeds with the highest bite forces in the world all have one thing in common: they’re not scared! These are some of the most fearless, powerful, and intelligent breeds on Earth.



About Sarah-Jane White

Sarah-Jane White is an Animal Behaviourist. She lives in Norfolk with her family on a small farm. Her mission is to help pet parents use enrichment for a happy and fulfilling life together. Sarah-Jane regularly shares ideas that support the instinctual behaviours of their pets in safe, fun, and enriching ways every day. She run’s award winning business Ruffle Snuffle®.

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