Brits reveal their average spend on Christmas presents, what they REALLY want in their stocking and what happens to those unwanted gifts

Brits reveal their average spend on Christmas presents, what they REALLY want in their stocking and what happens to those unwanted gifts

A new survey carried out by has revealed some shocking statistics when it comes to Christmas gifting across the country, with dads faring worst of the family, significant others cashing in and a big gulf in number of presents given and received. What’s worse, a quarter of us admit to selling unwanted presents on eBay every year.

Thousands of over 16s were quizzed about what they spend on gifts, what their most wanted gifts are and what really happens to those unwanted Christmas presents by the gift experts.

According to the survey, partners receive the lion’s share of the Christmas gift budget with an average spend of £96.54. Sadly, dad seems to get the short straw with a gift value of just £40.65, whereas mum fares slightly better with presents worth £49.30 piled up under the tree each year.

When it comes to the most desirable Christmas gifts, traditional presents trumped technology with jewellery topping the list for women at 55% and 40% of men stating that they would be happy to receive clothing under the tree this year.

The figures also reveal that on average, Brits buy eleven presents over Christmas and receive just seven in return.

One of the most interesting results from the survey focuses on what we do with those unwanted gifts, with one in five respondents confessed to posting their least favourite presents on eBay, 20% have returned or exchanged a gift without the giver ever knowing and shockingly almost 25% have re-gifted something they have received for Christmas to someone else.

Daniel Chabert Pfefferkorn from, said, “Christmas is a time for giving, but it seems that many of us gift givers are still getting it wrong when it comes to choosing presents for our loved ones.

That’s why we conducted our survey back in October to help consumers discover what us Brits really want to see wrapped up beneath the Christmas tree and to help to avoid wasting money on unwanted presents that will either end up at the back of a cupboard gathering dust or passed on to someone else.” has been hard at work on the run-up for Christmas and has created a phenomenal collection of popular gifts ideal for family members, work colleagues, kids and that special someone that are certain to be a hit this festive season.

For more Christmas gifting insight, visit or to browse the collection of quirky and classic present ideas visit