How can positive working culture be revived in the UK?

How can positive working culture be revived in the UK?

Working culture in the UK has become fetishized, slipping into a similar tale of long hours, little pay and even longer commutes. Amongst other contributors, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that this inevitable aspect of city life is responsible for leaving workers feeling anxious, dissatisfied and with a lack of meaning in daily activities. With wellness set to be a main concern for businesses in the future, this is a subject that must be addressed in the corporate world. UniqueIQ argues that flexible working could be the solution to revive positive working culture in the UK.

Studies by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) highlighted the true extent of city commuting, finding that 3.7 million workers spend at least two hours commuting every day. Taking into account the ONS research, every hour spent in a car, train or bus could accumulate towards a workforce that is even less satisfied. However, long commutes are avoidable in the age of technology, in place of flexible working. And remote workforce management software developer, UniqueIQ argues that this is the key to reviving a positive working culture once more.

David Lynes, Director of UniqueIQ revealed, “Train delays, traffic jams and time spent on the road is infuriating at the best of times – it’s no wonder research has found commuting to have negative effects. Instead of starting work already exhausted after traveling for hours, allowing staff to work from home, or closer to home means that every day can begin feeling fresh and ready to focus.”

However, although the case for flexible working is clear, the leading corporate software developer acknowledges that further steps must be made to ensure that other ‘bad habits’ don’t form.

David Lynes, Director of UniqueIQ continued, “Without an office to lock up or a train to catch, remote staff can have a habit of overworking, even without realising. That is why our system uses real-time monitoring data. It quickly highlights discrepancies in staff working patterns and can identify employees who are working too long, so management can intervene.

“In an age where there are numerous, intelligent digital platforms to enable flexible working, it makes no sense to continue down this negative spiral of ridiculous commutes. Investing in such technology is investing in the health of your staff, and the future of your business.”

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