Canadian Developed Personality Tools Based on Neuroscience Reveals What Drives Compatible Relationships

Canadian Developed Personality Tools Based on Neuroscience Reveals What Drives Compatible Relationships

Whether work related or romantic, life is filled with both compatible and incompatible relationships. A new suite of social personality tools developed by Canadian Dr Brian Cugelman at the Personality Test Zone is putting science-backed results into the hands of users, allowing them to better understand their own traits and relationships. The unique platform allows users to compare the personality traits of friends and colleagues, helping to identify common ground, blind spots and the ingredients that drive great relationships.

Using the latest research in neuroscience, the results of Personality Test Zone offers a more comprehensive, reliable, and in-depth look at personalities compared to rivals that often operate based on outdated studies. After answering a simple survey that identifies their core characteristics, users are able to connect with friends and share their personality test results, across three distinct categories – friendship, romance, and colleagues. As well as recognising similarities, the comparisons also allow users to determine where they can balance out and complement those in their life.

Dr Cugelman, who set up his successful business in Toronto, said, “Personalities and relationships are complex and often difficult to understand. Personality Test Zone helps people to recognise their strengths and limits, what they typically notice and tune-out, as well as why they fit well with certain people and feel strained trying to connect with others. Sometimes different people can work incredibly well together, providing a more comprehensive perspective. Our new tool helps people to better understand each of their relationships and make improvements.”

The team behind Personality Test Zone highlights how much research has gone into the platform. Dr Cugelman, who is also the Director and Senior Scientist of AlterSpark, a boutique firm that applies psychology and data science to real world challenges, came up with the initial concept during his popular workshops on Psychology for Digital Behaviour Change. The tool utilises years of research and experience in the field of neuroscience and motivational psychology to deliver a unique suite of social personality tests.

The Personality Test Zone has gone through an extensive beta phase to test the concept and functionality of the platform. The result is a slick interface that’s simple to navigate, putting the power to extract findings and make personality comparisons in just a few clicks.

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