Cardiff Training Camp Launches New After-Dark, Non-Stop Test of Willpower

Cardiff Training Camp Launches New After-Dark, Non-Stop Test of Willpower

The Green Mile Training Camp, which many already know for the exhilarating training sessions it offers at its dedicated Cardiff facility, is launching a new event that will revitalise the body and mind after lockdown. The 6-hour non-stop test of willpower, delivered by former military leaders, is designed to help people rebuild their resilience, physical power, and emotional strength in a COVID-secure outdoor session that gets all challengers back on track.

Every MANDOWN event will see 50 ambitious challengers complete a series of Navy Seal, Royal Marine, and SAS-inspired tasks that will test them not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Carried out in the shadows of the Craig yr Allt mountains after dark, MANDOWN will plunge challengers into a world of sensory deprivation, empowering them to draw upon their own internal strength and personal attributes to complete the arduous exercises.

Chris Flynn, Head Instructor and Co-Founder of The Green Mile Training Camp, says “While lockdown was a necessary action for reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, we’ve all become accustomed to this very safe, very sanitised lifestyle. We don’t take risks, we don’t challenge ourselves, and many of us are feeling stale, unmotivated, and like we’re just going through the motions.

“That’s exactly why we’ve designed our new MANDOWN event; to get us all stepping out of that comfort zone we’ve relied on for the last year, to put ourselves in unusual and challenging environments, and discover more about our strength, resilience, and ability to do what we never thought possible.”

Flynn is certainly onto something with his observation that the pandemic has created a nation of highly risk-averse individuals. Studies into this area have shown that COVID-19 hasn’t just changed physical activities, but behavioural choices, too, with one study concluding that people are far less likely to take risks today than they were before lockdown. This means people aren’t putting themselves out there, pushing themselves to do more, or being open to trying something different that lies outside the comfort zone.

The Green Mile team strongly believes that these are the critical elements that shape growth; that character development is limited when we only do those things we know we can do, and never explore what we’re capable of.

MANDOWN, by The Green Mile Training Camp, is open to both men and women who want to challenge themselves and see how tough – both physically and mentally – they really are. The first event will be held on Saturday 27th November from 6pm – midnight at the Green Mile camp.

Will you be the one to shout ‘Man Down’?

To find out more, or to book tickets for MANDOWN, visit