Comper Launch Skin Care Super Device on Kickstarter

Comper Launch Skin Care Super Device on Kickstarter

SkinEnergy – The Smart Device That’s As Flawless As Your Complexion

Smart lifestyle brand, Comper, have today launched their brand new Kickstarter campaign for their latest product, SkinEnergy – and there’s 50% off the retail price for early micro investors.

SkinEnergy is a smart skincare device that allows you to better understand how your skin works and guides and supports you through treatments with video and audio guidance.

Non-invasive, Comper SkinEnergy helps you to make more of a difference to your skincare routine by personalizing your advice and treatment to your skin’s needs.

Ditch expensive trips to the spa – forever

Comper SkinEnergy reduces the expansive and expensive treatments that you’ve being paying for into one smart device, that you can use how and when it suits you and your skin.

Backed by science, SkinEnergy gives control back to the user and allows you to see the difference that tweaks to your lifestyle and exercise regime are making to your skin. You can decide what you want to do more – or less – of as you can better understand the difference that your habits can have on your skincare.

Get glowing

Whether it’s stress or environment, SkinEnergy cuts through the noise of beauty products and beautician input so that you can work on your skin health in a way that your complexion will get maximum benefit.

Lightweight, this hand-held device that uses MENS, red LED, massage, and heat to improve your skin in just five minutes a day. From your virtual on-app consultation, that sets up and takes you through your daily routine, to glowing with health and radiance, SkinEnergy is your secret weapon in the quest for gorgeous skin.

The Science Within

MENS – Microcurrent treatments (MENS) that mimic the gentle, hardly-perceptible pulses of the body’s natural bio-electric currents to heal and tone both large and small muscles. Think of it as a non-surgical facelift.

Red LED – Red and near-infrared wavelengths promote adenosine triphosphate (ATP) nitric oxide release, blood flow, reactive oxygen species increase, and stem-cells tissue repair and healing. This supports the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars and UV healing.

Massage – Increases rates of decorin, fibrillin, tropoelastin, and procollagen-1 expression, which kickstarts an anti-aging response.

Heat – Stimulates collagen and elastin production, gradually improving skin tone and texture.

Science is nothing without context, so the Comper app connects to your SkinEnergy device and and determines your skin type and suggests a treatment schedule. You can opt for a

pre-programmed routine or tailor your treatment. The app will also track your progress.

Pre-production is underway and we aim to ship out on time same as previous project where Comper’s maintained the schedule of delivery time.

“This is an exciting time for Comper. We could all use a little self-love in the second half of 2020. We’re delighted to introduce our SkinEnergy to the men and women of the world and help them to work their way towards a glowing complexion that shows just how healthy they are on the inside. You can tailor the process to suit your needs or call on our virtual dermatologists’ advice,” said Du Han, founder of Comper.

For further information, please contact Hosni Haji, Comper Healthcare, on +86 010 57480968, or by email,

Visit the Comper website,

For further information on Comper SkinEnergy (project page)

For images and video materials of Comper SkinEnergy