COVID-19 Reporting and Verification App Entrd Launches on the App Store

COVID-19 Reporting and Verification App Entrd Launches on the App Store

One of 2021’s most eagerly awaited mobile apps is now available to download for free from the Apple Store. Entrd, by developer Trof Ltd, is a new COVID-19 reporting and verification app that makes it easy for anyone to demonstrate they are virus-free so that they can safely attend events and celebrations this summer.

Entrd’s integrated testing wizard provides users with detailed instructions for carrying out the test at home, and for verifying results using the app’s machine learning algorithms, coupled with human oversight. The app can be used with the government’s free lateral flow tests for complete convenience.

Early testing of the solution suggests 99.9% accuracy in test grading, which is expected to increase to 99.999% as further enhancements are introduced. And with results available – and verifiable – within 30 minutes, Entrd is emerging as the key to safely hosting events and celebrations this year.

Pritesh Chauhan, Entrd Commercial Director, said “Asymptomatic COVID-19 is a big problem that we need to address. A huge number of studies have been undertaken to see just how many of us could be walking around with the virus without knowing it, and depending on what study you look at, it could be that as many as 78% of SARS-CoV-2 infections come with none of the expected COVID-19 symptoms; no cough, no fever, no loss of taste or smell. This is something that needs to be addressed if we’re to return to some level of normality, and we believe Entrd will be essential for achieving this.”

Event organisers will be trialling the solution over the next two months as part of the Government’s roadmap to reopening, with Chauhan’s own brother amongst those excited to be taking part. Having been forced to reschedule his wedding five times due to lockdown, Bhavesh Chauhan and his fiancé are now planning to get married with the help of Entrd, which will be instrumental in protecting relatives who have been shielding since last year.

While the wedding has been downsized from an initial 300 guests to just 30, the Indian celebration will still feature a number of pre-wedding events alongside the official ceremony. As different guests will be present at each event, the couple will be asking attendees to use the app to register their negative tests, and enable everyone to celebrate in the safest way possible.

In addition to facilitating the safe hosting of events, the Entrd platform is also designed to support venues, small businesses, and large enterprises to reopen and create COVID-secure spaces for everyone. Any event of up to 50 guests can use the Entrd app free of charge, with larger venues paying a per-scan fee only. There are no long-term financial commitments or ongoing fees.

The Entrd app is available to download now  direct from the Apple Store. The app is compatible with both iPhone and iPod touch (iOS 12.1 or later), as well as Mac (macOS 11.0 or later with the Apple M1 chip).

To find out more about Entrd, visit