Cyber Security a Critical Issue for Care Providers as Consumers Seek to Protect Personal Data

Care providers need to make security a top priority as the risks and compliance issues around personal data rise, say care technology firm Novacare. With numerous high-profile cases of cyber-attacks and breaches in recent years, including several against the NHS, the firm is warning care providers to assess their level of cyber security now.

The heightened level of risk around cyber attacks has been highlighted by a recent piece of research from KPMG. The study found that four in ten CEOs no longer believe that it’s a case of if a cyber-attack happens but now think of them as an inevitability. Coupled with findings from Kaseya that discovered a third of small and medium businesses had been targeted in the last five years, it should be the nudge that care firms need to assess their current level of cyber security, Novacare said.

Stephen Wilson, Director of Novacare, said, “With care providers holding significant amounts of sensitive and personal data, it’s critical now more than ever that they take a look at their security protocols. There’s been a considerable increase in awareness about how data should be stored since GDPR, so it’s the perfect time for care businesses to act to mitigate the risks. Many companies used to think they’d have to be incredibly unlucky to be affected by a cyber attack but it’s far more common than you’d think, with organisations of all sizes being affected, and CEOs are becoming more aware of that fact.

“Care providers should look at who has access to information and ensure they have security measures across their network that employees follow, such as scanning any attached files before downloading and only logging in via secure devices. They should then look at the software and tools they use, as, in some cases, these can give cyber criminals access to data. Any piece of software where you enter and store information should be thoroughly assessed.”

Novacare takes the security of personal data seriously, achieving an ISO 27001 certification, marking it as a leader in information risk management processes, including having a defined security policy, conducting risk assessments, and managing any identified risks. Furthermore, Novacare tools are designed to help customers comply with their obligations under GDPR.

Wilson added, “We understand how important security and data protection is in a care setting, it’s why our ISO 27001 certified status is important to us. With security and encryption built in, it means the care providers that use our services can access the information they need anywhere in a way that’s convenient for them.”

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