With cyber threats rising, novacare | recruit offers care sector a safe, encrypted recruitment tool

With cyber threats rising, novacare | recruit offers care sector a safe, encrypted recruitment tool

With Britain’s cyber defenses working tirelessly to ward off millions of cyber-attacks every month, a digital recruitment aid is offering a safe route for those in the care industry keen to recruit more staff.

Novacare | recruit incorporates a range of tools and services that work together to ensure that care businesses are able to reach their full potential and employ the right candidates for them based on a number of different factors.

The NHS is currently facing high levels of staff shortages, with a staggering 100,000 vacancies to fill, suggesting that there is an enormous amount of pressure on the system to recruit for nurses and other care-related job roles.

With criminals distributing high levels of fake government websites and emails every month, fears for care companies that are recruiting are paramount, so novacare | recruit’s encrypted, cloud based solution will offer some reassurance to companies.

Stephen Wilson, Director of novacare | recruit said: “The risk of cyber-threats is something that all care organizations need to be aware of, especially given the fact that figures compiled by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) show 4.5 million malicious emails purporting to be sent from government or public sector bodies are being blocked each month on average.

“Cyber related threats can wreak havoc for company’s personal data which is why we ensure that the protection of businesses data is one of our fundamental objectives. Having achieved our ISO 27001 certification demonstrates our commitment to information security and our encrypted service will help care companies recruit in the safest way possible.”

Superior features that users will be able to benefit from with novacare | recruit’s digital offering include the ability to track candidates all the way from initial engagement to employment with a unique tracker that also alerts of any roadblocks that may impede on potential recruitments.

For more information about novacare | recruit visit their website at: https://www.nova-care.uk/