Data Memory Systems Reveals All About RAM

Data Memory Systems Reveals All About RAM

For seasoned computer users, RAM will be a part of daily life. But for those who just see it as another unexplained acronym, it can be baffling.

To aid those who find the world of computers confusing, and of course the many acronyms unclear, Data Memory Systems has offered up their expertise and explained what indeed RAM is to the confused public.

Standing for Random Access Memory, it is often simply referred to as memory and confused with hard drive space. But these two types of memory are very different. Disk space is where permanent files are stored. Usually boasting credentials of around 500GB and up, music and film files, word documents, and images are stored here. RAM on the other hand is where temporary files are kept so the computer can access them quickly when needed.

One of the reasons RAM can be so perplexing is the number of different forms it takes. DRAM and SDRAM are two more specific types of RAM that can be found in computers and cause confusion amongst those who are not familiar with jargon. DIMM is another RAM variant. Standing for Dual In-line Memory Module, it is the physical format of the RAM, so a circuit board with memory chips on either side.

To make matters perhaps more confusing, nowadays RAM usually boasts the prefix, DDR2, DDR3, or DDR4. Denoting its speed, each generation has become faster and more reliable.

Speaking about the topic, a spokesperson from Data Memory Systems, said, “There’s no denying computers can be a minefield of complex language and acronyms, but if computer users are looking at upgrading their computers, they’ll need to be clued up about things such as RAM and how it works.”

There’s many significant differences between RAM and disk storage; namely RAM is much faster, but can only store information while a machine is turned on. Once the computer is turned off, this information is wiped. Disk storage on the other hand can keep hold of data permanently. Another key difference between the two is the amount of storage available.

There is significantly less space in RAM than in disk storage. The biggest RAM widely available at present is 16GB, and although this is growing, it’s far behind disk storage. Nowadays it is not uncommon to buy a machine boasting 1TB disk storage.

For more information about Data Memory Systems and to browse their extensive range of robust computer memory – including RAM – visit the website: