Data Memory Systems Welcomes New ‘Magical’ Memory From Intel

Data Memory Systems Welcomes New ‘Magical’ Memory From Intel

Data Memory Systems, one of the US’ leading suppliers of computer memory and accessories, has celebrated the new memory announcement from Intel, stating it as a game changer for the industry.

The Intel Optane Memory will plug the gap between the slow and bulky traditional hard drives, and the light and fast solid state drives. Set to sit in the middle of the two when it comes to both price and speed, it will enable those who didn’t want to fork out for a steep solid state drive to upgrade their machines easily and cost-effectively to create a speedy system once more.

A spokesperson from Data Memory Systems, said, “This development is great news for the industry. Serious computer users and gamers have opted for solid state drives for quite some time, but these do come with a hefty price tag. Leaving those occasional computer users with the much slower traditional hard drive option, it left many underwhelmed.”

Dubbed ‘the biggest advance in memory in decades’, Intel’s new Optane memory is an entirely new type of computer memory, according to the company. When slotted into a machine alongside DRAM, it has been shown to speed up that computer to unprecedented levels. Providing the kind of benefits traditionally only seen when a solid state drive is used, Intel claims that computers power on twice as fast, browsers launch five times faster, and games can launch up to 67 percent faster than they would without Optane.

Based on the 3D Xpoint memory architecture announced in July 2015, it boasts impressive stats. As fast as the DRAM memory found in every computer used today, it’s also as stable as the NAND memory found in the SSDs which are central to the majority of the pricier computers on the market.

To find out more about Data Memory Systems and their exceptional range of computer memory for both PCs and Macs, visit the website: