Do Brown Lives Matter? One Explorer Uncovers the Reality for South Asians Across the Commonwealth

Do Brown Lives Matter? One Explorer Uncovers the Reality for South Asians Across the Commonwealth

As leaders from across the globe meet at the COP26 summit to address climate change, one explorer questions why this collaborative approach hasn’t been taken to help communities whose lives have already been challenged due to the actions of these government officials.

Despite a push towards ‘woke’ reporting, many stories on injustice faced by South Asians are left underreported or ignored altogether. This comes as outlets share news of former cricket player, Michael Vaughn, making racially insensitive comments to groups of Asian players, and the injustice of Indians facing prison time for celebrating Pakistan’s win at the T20 World Cup. As issues faced by South Asians persist, it begs the question of how governments can attend global events yet ignore the human experience of their nation’s people.

One explorer, Rajan Nazran from Global Indian Series, has dedicated his time to uncovering the reality faced by many South Asians across the commonwealth. Many of the discussions on his unique online platform have delved deep into the issues of fractured communities and the often unfair placement of governmental interest. In response to these conversations, Global Indian Series asks a key question; are world leaders competent to deal with bigger global issues when national problems persist?

Through an insightful and informative podcast series, Rajan has spoken with a range of individuals that present a candid display of the very real issues being faced by those who are considered a minority. The episodes span discussions from heads of states, key ministers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities to offer a never-before-seen insight into the lives of those that traditional media outlets often ignore.

Running alongside COP26, The Global Indian Series hosted their own COP26 unofficially official podcast which featured an environmental conversation with two former heads of state, a presidential aspirant and two global industrialists, who just so happen to be billionaires.

Rajan Nazran, Chief Explorer for the Global Indian Series says, “Having been to many of the countries represented at COP26, you start to see the lunacy of it all. We have politicians pretending to care about the environment when most have failed to even look after their own people. Many of these politicians have enabled environments where deep social, religious and ethnic-based discrimination takes place and systematic corruption is evident.”

He continues, “In my view it’s just keeping up appearances to attend global conferences like these, climate change is a true concern and now is the time to change the structure of politics to enable real decisions to take place. We need to see a shift in our global human movement.”

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