Essential for Firms to Provide PPE for Unpredictable Weather as Summer Arrives

Essential for Firms to Provide PPE for Unpredictable Weather as Summer Arrives

As summer has begun in the United Kingdom, PPE experts Skanwear are urging businesses to make sure their employees that will be working outdoors have the correct protective garments to choose from.

With the weather likely to quickly change from glorious sunshine to a downpour in minutes throughout the summer, it’s important to make sure members of staff that will be working in the elements have the right PPE to hand for all types of weather. Skanwear states that now is the perfect time for businesses to assess the PPE their staff have access to and make sure it meets minimum standards as well as being comfortable in all conditions and not affect productivity.

Angus Long, Managing Director of Skanwear, said, “With such unpredictable weather at this time of year, it’s important for firms to offer employees a range of PPE options to suit the forecast for each day. Employees working outdoors, for example, need garments that are both weatherproof enough to withstand showers but comfortable to keep on in the summer sun. Garments that don’t consider comfort in all weather conditions run the risk of being discarded and could mean that employees are left vulnerable in dangerous situations.

“It’s vital that PPE reflects the seasons and working conditions. During the summer months a combination of polo shirts and trousers or light overalls are perfect, while in the winter thermal protections paired with waterproof jackets, salopettes or overalls should be standard.”

Skanwear recommends businesses engage with employees to discover what their personal preferences are, as well as inspecting PPE to ensure it’s continuing to deliver maximum protection during the summer months.

Angus adds, “Businesses need to recognise that PPE isn’t a one size fits all solution, there’s a whole range of factors to think about, from the tasks that need completing to employee preference. Our Safeline 2.0 solution provides a simple way to make sure all PPE is up to standard. The seamless ordering system allows orders to be placed at an employee or department level from a firm’s own garment range for ultimate flexibility that ensures PPE matches the demands of each role and the weather.”

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