Fleet Evolution urges drivers to get vehicles ‘summer ready’
Winter may come with a lot of guides and regulations for vehicles, but summer can be just as hazardous on roads. Fleet Evolution, one the UK’s leading providers of car salary sacrifice schemes to SMEs, has urged drivers to think about their vehicles as the heatwave sets in.
Overheating may be the most common problem for drivers in summer, but the headache doesn’t just stop there according to the experts. All kinds of things can go wrong should correct maintenance not be undertaken. And breaking down on sweltering days isn’t ideal for anyone.
Tyres are the single most important part of the car. With an enormous job on their hands, they impact both performance and safety, and what’s more, are of a handful of components, that if ignored, can prove fatal. Therefore, drivers must ensure they check their tyres for damage, missing air vales, bubbles in the sidewalls, uneven wear, or visible wear bars. Any of these could signal issues further down the line.
Andrew leech, Managing Director of Fleet Evolution, said, “Cars need TLC all year round – not just in the winter months. But in the height of summer, this is even more important to help prevent the chances of breakdown and causing havoc on roads.”
Another must is brake checking. Summer traffic is often faster than in the depths of winter, so drivers may need to rely on their brakes more. However as a result of the cold and warm temperature changes in winter, brakes can suffer thermal cycling, resulting in damaging wear and tear. Therefore, the experts at Fleet suggest checking the brakes over to make sure the edges aren’t discoloured, crumbling, or cracking.
The final tip is to check the coolant. A simple yet often neglected part of cars – even at the height of summer. Drivers should inspect their coolant mix and coolant level to ensure they are well-stocked, while the overflow or radiator tank should also be full. It’s advised that coolants are changed once a year to ensure maximum performance, so it’s a good idea to do it in summer!
To find out more about Fleet, visit the website: www.fleetevolution.com