Flexible Labour Core for Businesses in Uncertain Times, Says Easy Recruit

Flexible Labour Core for Businesses in Uncertain Times, Says Easy Recruit

As uncertainty across the UK continues for many businesses, recruitment experts Easy Recruit explain that a flexible workforce is set to become crucial for firms still wanting to take advantage of lucrative opportunities. Following a raft of indicators signalling unpredictability, from the EU referendum to the most recent general election, some British businesses are reluctant to make long-term decisions, including hiring new members of staff but opting for an interim workforce could still allow organisations to work towards business objectives.

The latest indicators suggest that uncertainty is affecting the UK’s industrial output and investment prospects. Easy Recruit offers ambitious businesses a solution. The employment organisation allows firms to tap into a highly flexible workforce that meets their needs without having to make enduring commitments when they don’t have all the information on what Britain’s future will look like. It’s an option that can work for employees too, allowing them to adapt their schedule to reflect their desired work-life balance. The benefits of an adaptable workforce are increasingly being recognised by businesses across the country, with Easy Recruit identifying a greater level of interest in temporary labour over the last 18 months.

Derek Ferrol, Managing Director of Easy Recruit, said, “Choosing to invest in a flexible workforce is a robust way to reduce business outgoings. It gives firms that ability to perfectly match their team to their current demands. For those businesses that are unable to make longer term commitments, embracing the opportunity to consider a more flexible operating model could transform their operations.”

Ferrol added, “There have typically been negative associations of flexible workforces when it comes to the staff but in many cases, it’s simply not true. Employees today can welcome being part of a flexible working pattern. From allowing parents to work around school holidays to giving employees greater control over the amount of time they spend at work, there are benefits to flexible labour that many employees appreciate too.”

Easy Recruit provides employers with the UK’s first fully interactive, online labour supply, streamlining the process of looking for new members of staff. With an ability to be able to access an eager workforce in their area

in just a few clicks of a button, Easy Recruit makes it simple for businesses to find the talent they require, even at short notice.

To register with Easy Recruit, please visit easyrecruituk.com/  or call 03300 04 05 06.