Founder of Wholistic creates new character to help spread the word about the world of foster care
A West Midland’s foster agency is hoping to raise awareness about the demand for foster carers by creating a new mascot, Harrie Stepper.
By communicating in the child-friendly, approachable tone of the agency behind this initiative, Wholistic, it is hoped that the scheme will help convey the world of foster care from the perspective of a child.
‘Harrie’ will be holding live chats online via Facebook, as well as posting a series of inspirational and educational materials to help inspire foster carers to build what the agency calls the ‘magical foster home environment’; an environment which helps fostered children to thrive and succeed when they leave the care system.
Mike, a former foster child himself and the co-founder and operations manager at Wholistic, is excited about the possibilities this new character provides to get the word out about the transformative effects of fostering.
“2017 is a huge year for us. Local authorities, foster children, our foster families and the professionals we work with love our family-friendly approach and our passion for changing lives,” says Mike.
Mike will be bringing Harrie Stepper to life himself on social media, and attending community events in costume. There will also be a series of webinars for people considering fostering to attend and find out more about how to become foster carers themselves.
Wholistic intend to help people learn more about just how much a foster family can change a child’s life for the better. The company’s vision for the future is a bold one, with the intent of helping not only children but care leavers, by reaching out to the community and offering chances to connect. Their next such event is a forthcoming Christmas Dinner currently seeking volunteers and a venue.
Find out more about fostering and the new Harrie Stepper initiative by heading to or