How A Covid Passion Project Became A Go-To Resource That Attracts Thousands of Users

How A Covid Passion Project Became A Go-To Resource That Attracts Thousands of Users

When Yanick Steinbeck created during Covid to help his therapist practice EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) online, he never expected the software to go viral. In just a few years, his website has become the largest online platform for EMDR in the world.

EMDR is an evidence-based method of trauma therapy commonly used to treat conditions such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, and various other mental health disorders. During the therapy, a patient will be asked to briefly focus on a trauma memory, whilst performing eye movements guided by a therapist that results in a reduction in the vividness of the memories. This therapy has traditionally only been performed in person but, thanks to Yanick’s platform, any therapist can access the software they need to perform the process online.

Currently, over 15,000 therapists use the tools that Yanick designed, facilitating millions of therapy sessions using visual, auditory, and tactile bilateral stimulation (BLS). Even now the pandemic has ended, the switch to online consultations continues to soar in popularity, “Despite lockdown restrictions going away a big percentage of therapy sessions are still conducted online. Turns out that both therapists and patients really love the comfort, convenience, and privacy that online therapy brings!” Yanick Steinbeck, CEO and Founder.

As a patient of EMDR, Yanick was uniquely positioned to create a tool that benefits both patients and therapists, turning a small project into a vital tool which has revolutionised the industry. According to therapists, this software has been a long time coming, “We EMDR therapists have been talking about this – who’s going to invent this, who’s going to do this, we need this – so thank you very much for finally doing it!” says a therapist and user of

The basic BLS functionality is currently available to all therapists free of charge, with no sign-up required. The tools are HIPAA-compliant, reliable, and extremely easy to use.

To find out more about Yanick and the story of, visit