Independent Schools Sector Set for a Shake Up by New Comparison Website

Independent Schools Sector Set for a Shake Up by New Comparison Website

Every year hundreds of thousands of parents embark on a search for a private school for their children. Around 615,000 children to be precise!

Unfortunately most parents searching for an independent school are left to their own devices. That is, if they don’t want to pay for the services of a costly consultancy firm, which can be upwards of £10,000 before any tuition fees have been paid.

However, that’s set to change with the launch of The new website is on a mission to help parents find the best value school for their children, by making public school data more easily digestible and comparable for all without charge.

Richmond Amoah 

The site is headed by business consultant Richmond Amoah (who himself is former recipient of a private school education via a special bursary program) and his two co-founders Wesley Hill and Pete McAllister. The three entrepreneurs have spent the past year building the website to allow parents to make an informed choice in just a few simple clicks.

Amoah said the following about the new tool,“There’s nothing else on the market that allows parents to find independent schools that match their budget, expected academic results and desired location in a single easy search. What’s even better is it doesn’t cost parents a penny”

“From my own experience of gaining entry to a private school for my 6th form I know exactly how valuable the advantages can be. We’re now on a mission to empower parents in the vital exploration stage with the comparable facts on independent schools.”

 A Lockdown Success?

The three founders started work on the venture in April 2020, right as the UK was entering its first national lockdown due to covid-19. Much like the rest of the population the trio expected that lockdown Britain would be but a few short months.

However, roll on 13 months later and through grit, determination and some patchy video calls they have managed to build a solid business that is more than ready for the public eye.

My Top Schools is making huge headway in the space, having already pulled in half a million organic visitors in its first year online. A figure the trio are immensely proud of and keen to keep growing as things go from strength to strength.

Pete McAllister who lives in Scotland is in charge of the website’s digital marketing, still hasn’t been able to meet the other founders in person due to government restrictions. However, the three plan on meeting regularly at the company’s London office as soon as travel restrictions allow.

Whats Next?


Head developer Wesley Hill says this is only the start of the journey for their powerful new tool.

“We’ve already built the most powerful search engine for independent schools in the UK, but My Top Schools has got a whole roadmap of features lined up to help empower parents.”

The company wants to give parents the power to take control of their child’s journey from start to finish without the need for costly middlemen. The next iteration of the website plans to have a ‘parent’s portal’ which will host a huge range of features allowing parents to take positive action after the ‘discovery’ phase of their school search.

Raising funds

The brand has already overtaken all established competitors and even esteemed quango bodies in Google organic search

In terms of traffic, My Top Schools is the biggest site in the UK for independent school information – on track to intake well over 1m organic visitors over the next 12 months.

The three founders are now looking to take the operation beyond its unbelievable bootstrapped success and talk with potential investors to help accelerate their product pipeline and monetisation development – watch this space!