Innovative New Online R&D Tax Credit Portal Set to Shake-up the Traditional Tax Consultancy Industry

Innovative New Online R&D Tax Credit Portal Set to Shake-up the Traditional Tax Consultancy Industry

Small businesses that are eager to take advantage of research and development tax credits but don’t have the time or resources to complete the claims process are being offered an innovative new solution. Tax Cloud has been specifically designed to guide SMEs through the R&D tax claim process in a simple, convenient, and cost-effective way. The online tool is set to be a game changer within the R&D tax industry.

R&D tax credits are a valuable tax relief incentive from HMRC that benefits companies that are investing in innovation and bring the next generation of products and services to market. As the lifeblood of the economy, SMEs contribute significantly to furthering developments but are often facing constraints, in time, budget, and resources, when it comes to accessing the R&D tax credits they’re entitled to. Now Tax Cloud is making the process simple with an easy to follow four step process that businesses can effortlessly complete.

Barrie Dowsett, CEO of Tax Cloud, said, “The businesses that are at the forefront of R&D are really pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in every sector, from health to digital technologies. The UK R&D tax relief incentive is essential for supporting businesses that are working on new ideas and products. Traditionally, applying for R&D tax credits has been a complicated, time consuming and potentially risky process. Tax Cloud was designed to shake-up the expensive traditional R&D tax consultancy offering and give SMEs the tools they need to access the tax relief they deserve.”

Created by leading R&D tax relief and grant application writing specialists Myriad Associates, Tax Cloud allows businesses of all sizes to tap into their expertise. The online platform’s practical R&D Tax Calculator lets businesses receive an instant estimate of the savings they could make by processing a tax relief application, allowing them to see the benefits in monetary terms.

Tax Cloud will guide each user through a simple step by step process to create a R&D claim report that can be submitted to HMRC. In addition to plenty of online help text, the experienced consultants behind Tax Cloud are on hand to give feedback and recommendations, which ensures that SMEs are claiming their full entitlement to R&D tax credits.

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