Innovative Solutions Recommended for Estate Agents to Safeguard Homeowner's Interests

Innovative Solutions Recommended for Estate Agents to Safeguard Homeowner’s Interests

In the face of increasing interest rate rises across the US, EU, and UK, Paul Goverd, CEO and founder of Kriva and CJ Hole franchisee with 30 years in the high street estate agency industry, is challenging the industry to continue its journey and help homeowners get the best deal for their homes.

“Homeowners are focusing on protecting what they have, their homes, due to less disposable income from rate rises and inflation. When they need to move, they will want an estate agent who delivers with local intelligence and great service,” said Goverd.

The estate agency sector is more robust than ever following the challenges of the pandemic, and good agents have survived and been stress tested. However, Goverd encourages agents to reshape their businesses and service standards to ensure they enjoy a good decade in property sales.

Goverd adds: “We created Kriva to help high street agents excel in their communication with sellers and be relied upon to deliver exchanges of contracts so homeowners can continue their journey through life, creating memories and securing a great asset and home. But, we have to deliver and protect them at the same time.”

Despite the recent challenges of banking turmoil and inflation, Goverd believes that a combination of higher interest rate income for banks and more deposits will be recycled back into lending and lower fixed rates, resulting in continued property transactions. First, however, the estate agency industry needs to be prepared to do and ready itself to thrive.

Goverd warns that embracing change and improvement is essential, as homeowner expectations are high. In addition, communication and new technology can make a difference, with further technology adoption needed.

The future of the estate agency industry depends on its ability to welcome innovation, embrace new technology, and deliver for homeowners. It is reassuring to know that leaders like Paul Goverd are leading the charge.

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