Insight Analysis Develops Definitive Football Language for Governing Body

Insight Analysis Develops Definitive Football Language for Governing Body

Insight Analysis, the world leader in elite sports analytics, has built a new football language to assist the global governing body redefine its technical analysis of football. The Bath-based firm was approached by the international governing body to help it better understand the discrepancies present in widely available performance data.

Insight Analysis’ data scientists were tasked with creating a new, definitive language which the governors of the global game will use to mitigate against unreliable data and better understand the sport.

Inaccurate or unreliable data can significantly impact how coaches and technical staff interpret and measure performance. Unifying performance metrics eliminates the discrepancies caused by inaccurate and unreliable commoditised data, allowing for more accurate interpretation, measurement and action at player, club and organisational level.

David Taylor, Insight Analysis Technical Lead said, “When you analyse the readily available data from multiple providers, it is evident that variability on key operational definitions and metrics can significantly affect the data collection process. This in turn could lead to a misinterpretation of the data. By creating a unified language of performance analysis within football, datasets can be aligned across multiple providers to aid coaches and technical staff in quantifying performance more accurately.”

This new football language will revolutionise how the sport is understood, analysed and reported on.

To find out more, contact Insight Analysis General Manager Jon Hobbs: or visit: