Karmaconcinnity urges workers to take action as stress levels rise

Karmaconcinnity urges workers to take action as stress levels rise

With figures suggesting that 11.7 million working days were lost in the UK due to stress during 2015/16, highlighting a significant rise on the previous years, many are predicting that this figure could be even higher this year.

Now a major concern in the workplace, with excessive pressure from work and home life, sufferers are often left with limited options. Many seek medical help, join the ever-increasing numbers of people waiting for counselling, or just try and cope on their own, in the hope it will ease. However, those who go down this route often find they become overwhelmed and unable to manage work and day to day activities. But this doesn’t have to be the case.

Karmaconcinnity is the advanced self-development platform that dynamically explores personal goals and looks towards these in order to reduce negative thinking. Urging workers to take action before the issue becomes both a personal and national crisis, the expert behind the platform suggests that self-development could be the answer for the millions of sufferers.

A way of nipping stress and anxiety in the bud before it becomes unmanageable, Karmaconcinnity users follow a three-step process which involves discovering about themselves, creating a strategic plan to follow based on their own goals, vision, and desires, then developing personally over the 60-day course in order to become a less stressed and more confident individual.

Phil Rogerson, Founder and Marketing Director of Karmaconcinnity, said, “Over the last five years, it’s been well-documented that people are working harder and longer than ever before. This is causing millions of us to fall ill from stress and result in depression and anxiety. Now is the time for people to take steps to prevent this becoming an even more serious issue – all while learning some valuable life skills and coping strategies along the way.”

The forward-thinking self-development platform combines business analysis techniques with cutting-edge therapeutic strategies to dynamically explore an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, values, vision and goals. This helps them to create their personal roadmap to achieving a stress-free, confident, and empowered mind-set.

It’s been proven that those who experience high anxiety are less productive and are more likely to take time off work as a result. Stress and mental health issues are one of the biggest causes of long-term absence,  it is estimated that every year one in six workers in England and Wales is affected by anxiety, depression and unmanageable stress.

Phil added, “Many workers are reporting heightened stress levels, which is having a huge effect on their lives. Often feeling like there’s no escape, stress can build up and cause serious health problems.

The Karmaconcinnity platform intelligently develops a dynamic plan that explores personal values, goals, and vision for the future. The develop section of the plan takes all this important information and creates a bespoke plan consisting of a mix of therapies such as NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, guided meditation, visioning, and personal brand development.”

Mental symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety vary from person to person. From mild indicators such as irritability and mild sleeplessness, to more serious issues such as insomnia, listlessness, and clinical depression.

To find out more about Karmaconcinnity and their innovative, supportive approach to creating positive mind-sets for the population, visit the website: www.karmaconcinnity.com/