Life Insurance in Your Pocket, LIFESAVER, Protects Users in Any Fire Event

Life Insurance in Your Pocket, LIFESAVER, Protects Users in Any Fire Event

As many UK families in high rise apartments live in fear due to cladding issues after Grenfell, one company has come up with a lifesaving answer that’s proven to protect wearers from the toxic gasses released in a fire. Lionhouse Industries is now calling for the LIFESAVER fire and smoke mask to be included in every fire evacuation plan.

The small compact mask, which is already used by a few services across the country, is a small and portable device that easily slips into most handbags or coat pockets. Despite its small size, LIFESAVER provides users with up to 15 minutes of breathable air, which could be enough to save a life or get a family away from a potentially deadly situation.

Over 80% of deaths in any fire event are caused by smoke intoxication and toxic gases – not the fire itself. To save lives, the LIFESAVER fire and smoke hood prevents wearers from inhaling toxic gases, while also protecting against heat and filtering out toxic particles. With full protection offered to the eyes, head and face, the LIFESAVER is an invaluable piece of equipment which should be found in every UK home, high rise, hotel, care home or workplace including factories, cruise ships and aircrafts.

With protective equipment like LIFESAVER, it takes just seconds to fit the mask but buys the user the essential time they need to escape before losing consciousness. LIFESAVER is specially designed to protect wearers and prevent them from experiencing smoke inhalation or facial skin damage. It uses a special smart filter system that allows users to breathe filtered, clean air, even when they’re in the very midst of a fire.

Sales Director at LIFESAVER, Connor Nichols said, “At LIFESAVER, we don’t think that anyone should ever be put at risk by not being prepared in a fire event. We’re proud to offer this ‘life insurance in your pocket’ product that anyone can always keep with them or at hand. It’s such a small thing to do but could really be the difference between life and death. Our wearable fire and smoke hood has the ability to prevent many tragic events in the future across the globe, and we’re working hard to ensure that anyone that needs one has access to our hood.”

LIFESAVER is an essential life-saving device that can be used in a variety of applications, ranging from hotels and high-rise buildings to commercial and private aircrafts. It’s already in use by a range of corporate clients including JP Morgan, Intel, and Shell

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