Midland Pallet Trucks Applauds Efforts to Reuse and Recycle Pallets at Sellafield

Midland Pallet Trucks Applauds Efforts to Reuse and Recycle Pallets at Sellafield

 Midland Pallet Trucks is urging its customers to follow the lead of Sellafield and to embrace a reuse and recycle mindset when it comes to pallets that would normally be thrown away. The nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear decommissioning site has been putting its used pallets to use at a range of community projects.

Sellafield, located in Cumbria, frequently uses wooden pallets to deliver equipment and machinery. In the past, they would have been thrown away when no longer in use but as part of a wider recycling imitative they’re now getting a new lease of life. Among the uses of the repurposed pallets have been used for so far include making raised beds in allotments, crafting furniture, and building garden décor, such as bird tables and feeders. With wood being donated to a variety of charities and community projects, the recycling scheme is delivering a social benefit too.

Phil Chesworth, Managing Director of Midland Pallet Trucks, said, “It’s great to see that Sellafield is taking responsibility for its waste pallets in such a creative and beneficial way. I hope it’ll encourage more businesses to follow suit and to start looking at simple ways they can give back to the communities they operate in too. Pallets made from wood are strong and durable making them suitable for a huge amount of different projects and there’s plenty of scope to get creative.

“Embracing an initiative like this isn’t all about environmental and social good either, it’s an easy way for businesses to dispose of the pallets they no longer need. It’s a win-win solution that can really benefit firms for a variety of reasons.”

Midland Pallet Trucks provides the equipment that makes getting pallets from A to B as simple and efficient as possible, including when they’re heading to community based projects and recycling facilities. With a range of pallet trucks to choose from, businesses are able to pick out those that perfectly match their needs and provide employees with the tools to carry out tasks.

To find out more visit midlandpallettrucks.com/.