New Book "Global Sales Channel" Offers a Comprehensive Guide to Sales Success with Distributors and Resellers

New Book “Global Sales Channel” Offers a Comprehensive Guide to Sales Success with Distributors and Resellers

As businesses look for new ways to increase sales, working with partners can unlock new opportunities but most channel programs fail or do not reach their full potential. Issues like internal conflict with direct sales teams, a misunderstanding of what it takes, and a lack of metric driven strategies are often to blame. One book is here to change that.

“Global Sales Channel,” a new book co-authored by Consultants Andrea Brown and Belinda Brown, provides valuable insights, strategies, templates, and tools for businesses looking to succeed with Resellers, Referral Partners and Distributors. This is a must have for channel managers, sales managers, and partners.

With a combined wealth of knowledge and years of experience, the sisters have witnessed organisations triple their revenue in just 12 months with effective channel programs. Direct sales programs work well but are no longer enough for businesses with an eye on global expansion where it is unrealistic to instantly have a direct sales team in every region of the world. Indirect sales programs solve this in three key ways:

1.Instant access to potential new customers

2. Low cost of entry – no overheads like office space

3. Leverage existing trusted relationships

The potential value of the channel often brings with it a rush for results and instant gratification, leading to shortcuts and suboptimal results. The motivation behind their book was to address these misconceptions.

Belinda with expertise in market research, brand development, and marketing, has collaborated with leading brands across various industries, providing actionable insights that drive decision-making processes. Meanwhile, Andrea draws on 20 years of direct and indirect business development sales experience in go-to-market stages.

Together, they’ve drawn upon their experience to co-author a comprehensive guide that aims to showcase the potential of channel sales, offering a detailed roadmap for businesses to implement and excel in their channel strategies. The book is not simply academic commentary but provides hands-on usable templates like four different channel strategy templates, job description and partner agreement templates.

Andrea Brown, co-author of the book, says, ” When executed well, channel sales can be a core element of successful business development providing highly qualified leads, with increased value and shorter sales cycles. Furthermore, the close local partner relationships reduce churn and increase the propensity for year over year growth”.

Global Sales Channel is a valuable resource for organisations to navigate the intricacies of channel programs, helping avoid common pitfalls and get you to the recurring revenue faster. It includes back cover recommendations from CEO’s, sales leaders, and resellers from around the globe including U.K, Vietnam, Brazil and Dubai.

For more information, please visit or order on Amazon.