New platform connecting brands with influencers and journalists launches

New platform connecting brands with influencers and journalists launches

A new website and digital platform for business owners to share their latest product and service news with media outlets and influencers has officially launched.

UK-based YAWP, branded as ‘The loudest free news platform connecting brands with influencers and journalists looking for their next big story’, has arrived with the ambition to provide companies with a more efficient outlet for communicating their brand story.

Designed as a more cost-effective alternative for brands unwilling to pay significant retainer fees to PR agencies to communicate their news on their behalf, YAWP offers a one-stop-shop for companies to reveal exiting developments by posting news stories for free to the platform.

With premium content creators and news outlets also having free access to all news stories posted to YAWP, a free curated news board offers a member community of journalists, media publications and influencers alike to find unique content for driving web or social media traffic away from overcrowded, traditional channels.

The platform looks to ensure growing brands have the opportunity to cut through even other forms of free news sharing platforms such as social media, with the lack of comments, queries and rapid movement in trending topics ensure core messaging is no longer diluted.

All news stories posted to YAWP with full rights to copy and distribution included, ensuring businesses aren’t burdened with requests for more information, and media outlets don’t feel the need to chase to get a story out there in a timely fashion, thus creating a free-flowing PR hub.

For brands wanting to post a story to the platform, they simply need to create an Enterprise Representative Account, offer proof of business identity, and agree to media partner authorisation to redistribute said content. From there, business representatives can add stories and upload newsworthy content to the news board.

Working similarly for media outlets and influencers, a Content Creator account is created before having access to a wealth of posted stories via the in-built search function, which can be filtered based on specific terms, location and keywords, before posting to relevant websites and platforms without restriction.

Mike McKie, Founder of YAWP, said “We’ve created YAWP as a free alternative to hiring expensive PR agencies to spread the word about latest brand developments, with a direct link to journalists and influencers enabling businesses to engage with receptive, motivated audiences.

“With social media becoming an increasingly crowded space for companies to communicate in a concise way amidst comment sections and ever-changing algorithm meaning your story can get lost in the abyss, we believe that our new platform paves the way for a new era of effective business comms.”

To find out more about YAWP, visit