Dr Felix Reveals Results of Comprehensive New Survey Asking, What Would You Do If You Had One Week To Live?

New survey data has revealed that 54% of people feel worried or anxious on a daily basis.

Just over half of the 2000 members of the public surveyed  online by registered online doctor and pharmacy service Dr Felix, admitted to feeling worried or anxious every day.

The company launched a comprehensive survey, which asked how people spend their time each day and the different moods they experience, to determine how frequently people feel different emotions and how they spend their time. It also asks them what activities they would prioritise if they only had one week left to live.

Dr Felix is using the results to encourage people to find more time in their daily lives to do what matters most to them and improve their general mental wellbeing.

When asked how they would spend their last week, 45% of respondents said they would prioritise spending time with family, which was the most popular answer. 23% said they would go travelling and 11% would spend it with friends. Only 2% would prioritise sex in their final week. In reality, those surveyed unsurprisingly spend most of their time (30-45 hours a week) working. However, they also spend up to three hours a day browsing social media and watching TV and only see family and friends once a week.

Dr Felix’s resident health editor, Tamsin Nicholson says, “We conducted a comprehensive survey of members of the public asking them about how they spend their time and how this influences their feelings and mood on a day-to-day basis. Most importantly, we wanted to know what they would do if they had just one week to live and how this compares to their daily lives. Obviously it’s impractical to spend all our time as we please; we spend half our life sleeping and a big chunk of time at work so it can be hard to find enough hours in the day for what’s actually important. However, I was surprised at how much time is spent browsing social media and watching TV compared to seeing family and friends, despite spending time with family being referenced as the most important thing to almost half of respondents.

“We want to encourage people to reassess how they use their spare time and prioritise what makes them happy, to increase mental wellbeing.”

To view the results in full, visit: https://www.drfelix.co.uk/1-week-to-live/ or find out more about Dr Felix: https://www.drfelix.co.uk.