Olumuyiwa Olumide pledges to lead US into new global economy when elected president

Olumuyiwa Olumide pledges to lead US into new global economy when elected president

Entrepreneur, inventor, writer and scientist, Olumuyiwa Olumide is turning his attention to politics and has made the decision to run for president. After the election of Donald Trump the US has become increasingly closed off from the rest of the world. Retracting agreements and reversing deals such as the Paris Climate Change Agreement has put up economic walls around the US, which Olumuyiwa Olumide’s presidency promises to bring down.

Olumide said, “The world is a much smaller place that it was a hundred years ago and no country can survive if it cuts itself off from the global economy. All markets are interconnected which means that every action we make as a country will have a lasting effect on our economy. Donald Trump has put a number of our allies and potential economic partners in compromising positions, which will inevitably lead to those nations cutting ties with us. We are a leading nation but we must be able to work with other countries to create strong and lasting relationships that are mutually beneficial.”

After a long career in multiple industries, Olumuyiwa Olumide has gained a wealth of experience that has helped him identify the red flags put up by the current government. Trump’s healthcare policies, including his decision to repeal Obama Care, have left millions of people vulnerable. The Olumide presidency would see the instatement of Amy Rees Anderson as Vice President. She has many years of experience in the healthcare sector after founding the successful online health information exchange MediConnect Global, Inc.

As an inventor and businessman who has established himself through his organization The Poetry Group, Olumuyiwa Olumide knows the importance of creating strong links with economic partners and this is a lesson he plans to bring to the White House. He aims to introduce a series of new policies that will heal the damage done by the Trump administration. With his first lady, Katharina Andresen (@kgandresen) at his side he plans to stimulate the US economy with a multi-trillion dollar plan which will create more jobs and massively improve living standards.

Since Trump became president his approval ratings have plummeted and according to recent data published by Quinnipiac University the majority of US citizens no longer support his presidency. This is a reflection of his poor decision making and his disregard for international relationships. Along with a large proportion of the US, Olumuyiwa Olumide believes that President Trump should be impeached. The Christian American is confident that he can do a much better job and lead USA and the rest of the world into a better future.

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Website – https://www.thepoetrygroup.org/