Online shopping boom set to outlast global pandemic, says Midland Pallet Trucks

Online shopping boom set to outlast global pandemic, says Midland Pallet Trucks Online shopping boom set to outlast global pandemic, says Midland Pallet Trucks

Midland Pallet Trucks, a provider of high-quality materials handling equipment including pallet trucks, manual stacker trucks and lift tables, has predicted that the online shopping boom driven by the Covid-19 pandemic will far outlast the impact of the virus.

With a marked change in consumer behaviour emerging as non-essential retail was forced to close and social distancing measures bought in e-commerce has enjoyed a significant rise in popularity across many sectors including groceries, beauty, clothing and household goods.

According to the Office of National Statistics, online shopping accounted for a 35.2% share of UK retail spending in January alone with a rise of over 15% on the previous year. With experts citing Brexit and the global pandemic as drivers for change in the e-commerce, warehousing and logistics sectors, this shift to online shopping is here to stay says Midland Pallet Trucks. It is essential that warehouse managers are prepared for a long-term lift in demand with greater productivity from each site married with the need to safeguard the wellbeing of warehouse and logistics workers.

Midland Pallet Trucks is working to support the warehousing sector with a growing range of warehouse essentials.

Phil Chesworth, Managing Director of Midland Pallet Trucks, said “Covid-19 has changed the way that consumers buy goods forever. We fully expect that these behaviours are here to stay for the long term with 24 and 48-hour goods delivery becoming the norm to keep up with our wants and needs.

“Having good quality lift equipment available to workers can cut down on the risk of workplace injury and help safeguard productivity levels for the future, so it is critical that warehouse managers reassess their old lift equipment now as the demand for goods is set to continue over the long-term.”

To find out more about the wide range of materials handling products available from Midland Pallet Trucks, visit