Outdoor Lessons Should be Embraced by More Schools to Boost Engagement and Skills

Outdoor Lessons Should be Embraced by More Schools to Boost Engagement and Skills

Children should be encouraged to connect with nature more as part of their nursery and school education, according to Raw Labels. Recent findings have indicated that kids that take part in outdoor lessons benefit from improved wellbeing and engagement with the topics they’re being taught, it’s these results that the experts at Raw Labels would like more schools to embrace.

Research presented at the annual British Psychological Society conference demonstrated that children can benefit significantly by getting out of the classroom and into green spaces. It’s an ethos that more school across the UK are already trying but Raw Labels hopes the latest research could encourage more to get involved. Focussing on year five pupils, the study found that outdoor lessons gave a self-esteem boost to children, while they also stated they found the lessons more enjoyable and fun, improving learning outcomes.

Sven Miller, Sales Manager of Raw Labels, said, “A connection to nature is hugely important for children, it teaches them about the world around them and gives them an opportunity to get plenty of fresh air. If that’s not enough, the latest research shows that kids not only enjoy it more than traditional classroom lessons but that it has benefits for wellbeing and engagement too.

“Planning lessons outdoors can be a challenge but it’s perfect for some topics, from natural art projects to learning about insects. For urban schools, it does present some obstacles, but the study shows that finding local community projects and open green spaces to hold regular outdoor classes can really connect children with that they’re learning about. It’s the perfect time of year to give it a trial run and see how pupils respond.”

As well as backing the move towards outdoor lessons where possible, Raw Labels also provides a solution for ensuring that children are kept safe when taking part. Whether issued by parents or the school, Raw Labels’ reusable ID wristbands are ideal for providing instant contact details should a child become lost, an essential for schools that need to travel to access green spaces. With the ability to write down details and create fun, eye-catching designs, the Raw Labels collections are a safety feature that kids won’t mind wearing.

To find out more visit rawlabels.co.uk/.