Post-Brexit Britain Needs Empowered Leaders Says Top Career and Cofidence Coach

Post-Brexit Britain Needs Empowered Leaders Says Top Career and Cofidence Coach

Empowered leaders are the driving force behind change, but one of the country’s leading career coaches believes that dynamic management is more important than ever in a post-Brexit Britain. Kate Bishop, who works with businesses and employees to facilitate positive change in professional and personal lives, says that the uncertainties that the economy has faced since 2016 could have a long lasting impact without capable leadership.

Bishop believes that many organisations, across many industries, have been operating in limbo since the 2016 referendum, with multiple failures to generate a withdrawal agreement resulting in an elongated state of uncertainty. However, following Britain’s exit from the European Union on 31 January 2020, Bishop states that now is the time for businesses to take action. And the experienced coach, who comes from a business management background, says that people management is the key to moving forward.

“It’s been doom and gloom for years, and whether Brexit is the result we were hoping for or not, the good news is that the cloud has finally been lifted. Knowing that Brexit is indeed a reality, businesses are able to take the next steps towards achieving their growth and development goals, but we can’t forget what a huge impact these years of uncertainty have had on employees. We must ensure that we have empowered leaders onboard who can successfully make their people a core factor of their strategy.”

Multiple concerns were raised over the future of the UK workforce, and the future of the economy, during the recent periods of uncertainty. With many worrying about how Brexit would impact organisations, and fears over job losses and working rights for EU nationals, workplace stress and associated financial stress has been rife.

Bishop adds, “Adopting a ‘business as usual’ approach overnight isn’t going to happen. Employees will need to be supported and nurtured as organisations enter a post-Brexit landscape. Empowered leaders, who are not afraid to take action and introduce new ways of working, are essential for success. We need leaders who can bring individuals into their processes, making them feel involved and making them feel as though they really are a valuable part of the team.”

The career and confidence coach stresses that effective people management and powerful, influential leadership is the combination that’s needed for businesses to ride the Brexit wave and continue to grow and develop throughout 2020 and beyond.

To find out more about Kate Bishop, visit