Put the kettle on! Tealyra shares the secret to natural relief from stress

Put the kettle on! Tealyra shares the secret to natural relief from stress

Tealyra, a leading stockist of teas for health, wellbeing and for those with an appreciation for fine teas and blend from across the globe, is celebrating research findings confirming what it has long known; tea is the perfect antidote to the stresses of everyday life.

A study conducted by researchers from University College London found that people who drink black tea are able to de-stress more quickly than those who consume a fake tea substitute. In addition, tea drinkers had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after exposure to stress.

The research used two groups who were subjected to challenging tasks designed to mimic everyday stresses, like the threat of unemployment or an accusation, while their stress hormone, blood pressure, heart rate, and self-reported levels of stress were monitored.

Such tasks provoked sharp increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and subjective stress ratings in both groups, but 50 minutes after the stressful situation, levels of the stress hormone cortisol had dropped lower for black tea drinkers than those in the fake tea group.

With the coronavirus pandemic affecting the daily lives of people across the globe, finding new ways to destress at home is a must for mental health and wellbeing. Stress and anxiety levels are said to have soared by almost 50 percent during coronavirus lockdown amongst all age groups, making tea more comforting now than ever before.

Tealyra stocks a range of mood-enhancing, anxiety soothing and stress-busting teas, all of which are 100% natural and additive-free.

As well as a signature black tea blend, Tealyra’s soothing, low caffeine chamomile tea, Raspberry Relaxation, a soothing tisane of lemon verbena and real raspberries as and French Countryside, a relaxing herbal blend with savoury herbaceous notes twinned with refreshing mint and French lavender, all promote increased wellness.

To find out more about the wide range of relaxing, soothing and refreshing teas available to order online from Tealyra, visit https://www.tealyra.com