Research Reveals Charities Have Received More One-Off Cash Donations Since The Pandemic

Research Reveals Charities Have Received More One-Off Cash Donations Since The Pandemic

Charities and not-for-profit organisations have seen an increase in one-off cash donations made to them since the pandemic, according to new findings from Wood For Trees.

The data analysis firm – which collaborates with the likes of Marie Curie, Concern Worldwide and Dog’s Trust – has been tracking cash donors’ giving behaviours for several years via its reporting, benchmarking and insights portal Insight Hub. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the data insight and systems organisation has seen a change in giving behaviours with an increase in one off cash donations.

Wood For Trees Managing Director, Jon Kelly will be a guest speaker at the upcoming DTV webinar “Is it time to fall back in love with cash donors?” on 22 June 2021 at 12noon (BST) to discuss this new development.

He said, “I am delighted to be joining DTV on this webinar. Their research confirms what we have seen in the data for years – namely that there is a large group of donors who prefer, and will continue to prefer, giving one-off donations, rather than being tied to a regular commitment. And these donors are still very valuable to charitable organisations. The pandemic has exacerbated this so now really is the time for charities to take another look at their potential cash giving audience.”

Kelly will join Peter Muffett (CEO & Co-founder, DTV Group) and Gillian Egan (Senior Planner, DTV Group), to explore the findings from a recent DTV survey of UK donors, looking to answer a series of questions about this intriguing cohort:

  • Who are these wonderful individuals who give to charity but prefer to do so with one-off gifts rather than ongoing monthly donations?
  • Why do they give in this way?
  • How many of them are out there?
  • Is the rise in cash giving we’ve seen lately here to stay?
  • What are the opportunities that come along with that?

To register for the event, visit:

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