The right equipment is essential to boosting productivity in tricky economic times

The right equipment is essential to boosting productivity in tricky economic times

Premium pallet truck providers Midland Pallet Trucks are encouraging companies to take a closer look at their essential pieces of kit, to ensure they stay on track with their efficiency and productivity goals for the year ahead.

These are trying times for the many busy warehouses and factories around the country, with conflicting advice creating plenty of confusion for even the most commercially-savvy companies. Growing connectivity within the modern warehouse environment helps to support productivity, but this is only the case when these companies are supported by the right tools to help them operate to the high level they require.

Key pieces of materials handling equipment, like pallet trucks and lift trucks, have been considered as little more than necessary items which sometimes have a short shelf life because of repeated use and wear and tear. However, new advice suggests that every single item in this fast-paced environment should be reliable to ensure the most effective outcomes, and ensure a cohesive and efficient process. Not only is this vital for saving time, but money, too. The company supply chain must be supported by intelligent machinery which is able to provide efficiency levels with the boost they sorely need; where a pallet truck might once have simply been a device with one simple purpose, today’s companies are pushing for greater capabilities.

Getting a clear understanding of the impact an intelligent, efficient fleet of products such as lift platforms and hand pallet trucks takes a degree of foresight and an acknowledgement of the challenges faced by today’s businesses. There has been a growing emphasis on safety in recent years, putting workers front and centre – and accompanying the growing need for extra efficiency which is at the forefront of every business owner’s mind.

Phil Chesworth, managing director of Midland Pallet Trucks says, “The right technology helps support hard-working staff, ensuring they are in optimum shape for the new demands they face. As Brexit looms large on the national stage, increased productivity is frequently required of employees without adding to staff numbers – meaning more and more is expected of those already employed in warehouse and factory positions. Without the right equipment to support them, this becomes an uphill struggle. With the right hardwire in place, companies can reap the rewards of their forward-thinking approach, and brave whatever storms might be ahead. Hardworking pallet trucks are critical to this process and can aid with quicker packing, picking and shipping, to drive up productivity levels.”

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