Salary sacrifice experts Fleet Evolution share the secret to happy employees

Salary sacrifice experts Fleet Evolution share the secret to happy employees

Fleet Evolution, the salary sacrifice car experts, have released a list of tips for managers about how to keep employees happy. In today’s competitive job market, with millennials expecting very different things from their work than their parents did, it can be difficult to know how to keep workers engaged, productive, and content.

“The reputation of business has suffered since the recession of 2008,” said Andrew Leech, Managing Director of Fleet Evolution. “With society changing so rapidly, employers need to keep up and realise the perks that worked for yuppies and baby boomers won’t work for their offspring.”

Fleet Evolution’s solution? Get people involved. Employees are less likely to leave somewhere where they and their ideas are treated with respect. So when it comes to expanding the employee car fleet, managers shouldn’t make a unilateral decision—they should ask their employees what they’d like. After all, they could be the ones driving them and sacrificing part of their salary to do so.

Encourage workers to spend time with colleagues outside of work, too, is Fleet Evolution’s advice. Employees should want to come to work not only to do their job but to spend time with people whose company they like. Implementing something like a carpool scheme with benefits for those who choose to use it is a great way to achieve this.

The most important things to do, according to Fleet Evolution, is to lead by example and live the company values. Employees won’t respect those who practice ‘do as I say, not as I do’, and will often want to move on from places with different rules for senior management than for junior workers.

Talent in specialist fields can be difficult to find, with employees often moving all over the country for their jobs. Fleet Evolution’s view is that it costs less to retain a great employee than hire a new one.

To find out more about Fleet Evolution, visit the website at: