Short film about iconic London street draws attention to millennials interest in traditional craftsmanship

Short film about iconic London street draws attention to millennials interest in traditional craftsmanship

 A new film has just been released to celebrate the esteemed history of Savile Row, a street in London that’s renowned for its bespoke tailoring for men.

The documentary style piece is composed of 12 interviews from some of the most well-known and respected firms to reside on the street, including Gieves and Hawkes, Henry Pool and Dege and Skinner and Huntsman.

As well as presenting the famous London landmark as a value destination for savvy shoppers and detailing the bespoke process from the viewpoint of different firms, The Savile Row film also demonstrates how, despite living in a world dominated by mass production, many young people are pushing against the system and developing an interest in bespoke tailoring and unique handmade craft.

Somi Arian, the Film Producer and Director said: “In this film I have created an exceptional tribute not only to one of the most well-known streets in London, but also to the processes and ethics that these retailers live by. Both the high street and high end fashion industry is currently dominated by a need for mass production and high levels of consumerism, but these houses value handcrafted luxury over everything else, something that many young people are also beginning to take note of.

Millennials are interested in brands with a strong story and heritage, but as a result of the changing face of marketing and advertisement, many luxury brands that are steeped in history are failing to engage with a younger demographic because they are not well versed in the social platforms that this generation relates to. With over ten hours of interviews from firms on Savile Row, this film will shed light on the bespoke tailoring industry in all its glory.”

Somi also has a number of other works in the pipeline, including a longer documentary that will explore how the shift in marketing and advertising over the last decade has impacted on the luxury market.

She is also working on a book titled Selling to Millennials, which will again explore the way in which millennials create and consume content, their shopping behaviour and how luxury brands can maximise their reach to this demographic.

Savile Row was built between 1731 and 1735, with tailors setting up shop on the street during the late 18th century.

Since then the iconic Row, which is located in the prestigious area of Mayfair, has developed a reputation as a shopping destination for those looking to buy well-tailored, bespoke men’s fashion.

For more information about The Savile Row Film, visit the website at: