Silver Lining Psychology Launches New Nursing Resilience Course

Silver Lining Psychology Launches New Nursing Resilience Course

Across North America, the number of nurses suffering from compassion fatigue is increasing. A new program from Silver Lining Psychology aims to tackle this crisis and equip nurses with the tools, knowledge, and support networks needed to help build resilience.

In research conducted by Mental Health America [1], 76% of nurses reported feeling exhausted and burnt out, while 52% suffered from compassion fatigue due to the high-stress nature of their job – which was particularly heightened during the COVID pandemic.

In response to these worrying statistics, Silver Lining Psychology, a leading corporate psychology and management consulting firm, has created a comprehensive new program, The Nursing Resilience Course. The online program equips nurses with the crucial skills they need to master resilience and excel both professionally and personally.

Patricia Thompson PhD, the founder of Silver Lining Psychology, believes that this course should be essential learning for all healthcare workers. Over 25,000 students across 142 countries have already taken Dr Thompson’s online courses, and the Nursing Resilience Course is set to become the company’s most successful yet. It is intended to provide new insights into wellbeing and professional nursing that will ease the stress of many frontline workers across the country.

She said, “I think that to have an efficient and well-functioning healthcare system, we need to put the mental health of our front-line staff first. The pressures that are put on our healthcare staff are unprecedented, and without resilience these pressures can quickly become too much. In my course, I give nurses the tools and opportunities they need to be better at work, while taking care of their own mental wellbeing at the same time.”

For a $150 one-off purchase, course participants will learn about the importance of resilience, the challenges of compassion fatigue and the strategies they can put in place to manage stress, tackle conflict head-on and incorporate resilience into their daily work life.

The course also includes worksheets, a review quiz, guided meditations, a bonus e-book, and support from Dr Thompson whose advice has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and a host of other media outlets.

To find out more about Silver Lining Psychology and the Resilience Training for Nurses course, visit

