Social Wish List Sharing Platform WishSprout Rolls Out Video Sharing Functionality just in time for Holiday Season

Social Wish List Sharing Platform WishSprout Rolls Out Video Sharing Functionality just in time for Holiday Season

WishSprout, the interactive social wish list sharing platform, has rolled out new video sharing functionality just in time for the holiday season – but incredibly fun and super useful all year long.

The video functionality means those receiving items from their wish list can film their reaction when unboxing gifts and share with their connections, all from the WishSprout app. This interactive new addition taps into the popularity and personality of video content, giving WishSprout users a way to share their happiness with their gifts in a real time format.

Coming just in time for Christmas and Boxing Day but available all year round, the video sharing options also taps into a booming new trend – that of the unboxing and haul videos. Recent research has revealed that millions of viewers tune in to unboxing and haul videos on YouTube each week, with around half of videos recording the moment of unboxing receiving up to 100,000 views and over of videos posted by influencers showing their ‘haul’ receiving between 1 and 100 million views.

Edison Soh, founder of WishSprout says video provides a new way for users to express their interest and love of things on their wish list, particularly when receiving a much longed for gift to mark an important milestone such as a wedding, anniversary or christening. “In today’s social media driven society, few of us shy away from sharing our opinions and feelings online. Many people use the internet to show their excitement when they finally get the things they have worked for or hankered for, with channels like Facebook and Instagram often used to express gratitude.  YouTube has long been used to show the happy moment of unpackaging and unboxing video is now a popular video format in its own right.

“We believe this format is especially relevant to WishSprout. We wanted to develop a way for users to be able to post that same kind of content and share with those who follow their wish list and people who matter to them, so they can all share in that happy moment. It’s more personal and more rewarding and the perfect addition for Christmas.”
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