Tracking online bookings for music events just got a whole lot simpler for venues and artists with new and improved online calendar

Tracking online bookings for music events just got a whole lot simpler for venues and artists with new and improved online calendar

Live music venues and clubs keen on having a state-of-the-art, media-rich website touting all the details of their finest bookings will now be able to do so much more simply with a new online platform that acts as a booking back-end and an event listing service all in one.

MusicIDB 2.7, which has been launched by Megabase Inc. and is an update on the company’s core product, will make the often stressful task of managing live acts for clubs and other venues as hassle-free as enjoying the music itself with a calendar service that can be integrated easily onto each venue or company’s website.

The user experience couldn’t be simpler, each user accesses the database with their own login and account and can immediately tag new or existing artists and bands at their venue from their dashboard calendar. If venues are seeking new acts for their next big event, they can also filter and browse the 8,000+ artists that MusicIDB already has in the database.

Brian Bahia, CEO of MusicIDB said: “MusicIDB 2.7 is a great achievement from our team.  We’re just really humbled to be working with the number of New England area venues who are getting value out of the tools we’re building and believe in what we’re doing. In the bigger picture this is still an early version of what we’re working on for the live music market, so it’s going to be exciting to continue to deliver new features and functionality throughout 2018.”

As well as making things more manageable for venues and clubs, the platform also offers musicians and bands a way to manage their information as it appears on actual venue websites utilizing the service.  This is a new approach to updating website information, gone are the days where one person at the venue needs to add every detail for every artist to their website – MusicIDB allows the bands and venue managers to collaborate, saving time for both parties.

For places that have daily specials they want to promote on their calendar, weekly showcases, or a monthly open mic night for example, the ‘recurring events’ system is a highly anticipated solution which allows venues and promoters to easily build and bulk-edit weekly or monthly events.  As expected, the scheduling tool can be as specific as the 3rd Thursday of each month, or every other Saturday, for example.

MusicIDB is primarily based in New England, but the platform is scalable, and the technology can be implemented anywhere in the US, making it a diverse and adaptable bit of technology that is likely to benefit a number of venues and musicians.

For more information about Megabase Inc. and their new and improved MusicIDB 2.7, check out their company website at: