Unique business launches new roadshow service to help non-native companies crack the lucrative Asia-Pacific market

Unique business launches new roadshow service to help non-native companies crack the lucrative Asia-Pacific market

Spark Plus has launched its new independent corporate access roadshow service which can connect listed companies and pre-IPOs from around the world with thousands of wealthy investors in the Asia-Pacific region.

Corporate access was previously only accessible via banks and brokers but recent regulatory changes, namely MiFID II, have given way to new opportunities. On the back of this potential, Spark Plus has launched its own service to help companies break new ground in this vibrant part of the world.

Response from the investor community in the region has been overwhelmingly positive so far, with the 12,000 investors that Spark Plus has access to eager to see the innovative and growing businesses that the corporate access specialists can connect them with.

Omar Taheri, Spark Plus CEO and Founder, said: “As someone who’s spent years working in Asia and incubated over 35 hedge funds in my time, I knew the challenges that businesses looking to break into the attractive Asia-Pacific market faced. It’s for this reason we decided to launch our business focusing on non-deal roadshows.

“We’ve now made it easier than ever for companies across the world to access capital in Asia; we have a vast list of over 12,000 investors in the region and can’t wait to start facilitating meetings that could create a plethora of new Cobusiness partnerships.”

Spark Plus’s roadshow service connects investors and businesses via non-deal luncheons and conferences in the region, and its massive database of investors includes hedge funds, family offices, private banks, brokers and family offices.

One of the reasons that so many investors are registered with Spark Plus is that it doesn’t charge them for their access to roadshows, meaning that they have free admission to a range of potentially multi-million-dollar investment opportunities. Spark Plus also uses its expertise to create a structured roadshow that’s appropriate for the Asia-Pacific market, along with conducting video interviews with the listed companies, extensive social media marketing and connecting its events into Bloomberg.

Omar added: “The Asia-Pacific region can be a difficult market to crack for companies not from the area, which is why we’re providing superb connectivity to the relevant investors that can take companies to the next level.”

To find out more about Spark Plus, please visit https://sparkplus.org/.