Video Experts Launch Initiative to Support Tomorrow’s Most Exciting Talent

Video Experts Launch Initiative to Support Tomorrow’s Most Exciting Talent

The Content Creatives – a London-based organisation that helps businesses to create and share customised videos with their customers across social media – is launching a new initiative to support the next generation of media talent.

The Content Creatives are working with young people aged 18-24 from across London who have a passion for video and a flair for photography, providing them with unique opportunities to produce corporate social responsibility videos for some of the country’s most prolific organisations.

Under the scheme, The Content Creatives will partner and collaborate with talented young people from diverse and often challenging backgrounds to help them explore their skills and promote their ability within the industry. The paid short term project assignments are designed to fit in with education and family responsibilities and can help the production artists of tomorrow to learn valuable digital storytelling skills to open up future employment opportunities.

The Content Creatives have long been dedicated to youth empowerment and are recognised as a leading AQA accredited training centre teaching a wide range of competencies across content production, mobile journalism, personal branding and citizenship skills. Prior to the new initiative, the company formed the Youth Citizen Service; a social media channel filled with helpful, informative videos for young people relating to employment, mental health, citizenship and much more.

Danny Eycott, Head of Production at The Content Creatives, says “Having a team of undiscovered talent onboard is proving to be very popular with our clients, and it’s incredibly exciting for us to see how these young people, many of whom have little to no professional experience, are fast becoming an essential part of our delivery process. Experience isn’t everything; sometimes we can build excellence by nurturing passion”.

It’s not only passionate young producers that stand to benefit from the new scheme, but businesses, too. Now more than ever, organisations are under increasing pressure to effectively communicate their corporate social responsibility to attract new employees, retain existing ones, engage with customers, and build a strong and positive industry reputation. With help from The Content Creatives and their team of young talent, businesses can promote their efforts and boost their brand through customised CSR & ESG videos.

These ‘explainer’ videos can be used to raise awareness of a particular CSR initiative from societal, charitable, and environmental issues and across a wide range of other practices, to show that a business sees and acknowledges the challenges, is taking conscious effort to make positive changes and to encourage others to join them on a mission to make the world a better, healthier place.

To find out more about The Content Creatives, visit or watch the video: