Wood for Trees Launches Legacy Toolkit Whitepaper and Webinar

Wood for Trees Launches Legacy Toolkit Whitepaper and Webinar

Award-winning data analysis and systems agency, Wood for Trees, has launched a legacy toolkit whitepaper, with an accompanying webinar, to help charities and non-profits plan and review their legacy programmes.

Legacy donations currently account for up to 28% of a typical fundraising charity’s voluntary income stream, which is set to rise with the UK’s rapidly ageing population. For charities implementing targeted legacy marketing campaigns, backed by data and thorough analysis, it could pay dividends long-term.

The whitepaper, ‘Legacy Toolkit: Five Tried and Tested Techniques to Build Your Legacy Insights’, details a roadmap to using data about supporters and prospects efficiently and effectively, and how that can help inform decisions on further investment into future legacy marketing activity.

An hour-long, live webinar hosted by Wood for Trees Director of Analysis, Andrew Sargent, alongside Alzheimer’s Research UK Head of Legacy and In Memory Giving, Georgina Hyman, will take place on Thursday 8 July 2021 at 11am-12pm BST.

The session will cover key topics in the whitepaper, including how fundraisers should approach building a robust legacy programme, which can generate a sustainable source of income.

The webinar will also look at how non-profits and charities can gain insight into current legacy supporters through financial forecasting and the adoption of marketing strategies with data at their core.

Wood for Trees Managing Director, Jon Kelly, says: “Legacies provide a crucial line of income for many charities but are often left largely to chance windfalls. Investing time now to put some structure into your legacy marketing and stewardship, using existing data as a starting point, can help to create a sustainable fundraising source for years to come.”

To request the free whitepaper, visit https://woodfortrees.net/legacy-toolkit-white-paper-request/

To register for the free, live webinar, visit https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9055194452310894863